We witness a scene between Simon and the arm of a Lantern named Jessica paired with a narrator saying, “He was ultimately responsible for training the first female ring bearer of Earth - Jessica Cruz - a controversial figure herself who came into possession of her ring in the wake of the Justice League’s death.” She along with Hal Jordan is one of the only surviving Sector 2814 Green Lanterns. She appears in Vengeance: Knights Among Us as a minor antagonist, and in the sequel Apokolips War serves as a minor protagonist. To show the GL legacy would live on, in the pages of Green Lantern #20, Johns went on to mark a few beats in the future of several Lanterns. Jessica Cruz, also known as Green Lantern, is a character from the Vengeance universe, and a supporting protagonist. The ring didn’t choose her, which is what makes this new development news worthy. Salma Hayek was suggested to play Jessica Cruz in Green Lantern (2000) by richman. in The Most Attractive Celebrities.Similar actors include Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johansson, and Zoe Saldaña. She has been suggested by fans for 1,810 roles on m圜ast, including Actresses. But once her normal powers were returned to her she didn’t need a GL ring any longer. Salma Hayek is known for her roles in Grown Ups, Eternals, and The Hitmans Bodyguard. Jade (aka Jennifer-Lynn Hayden), the daughter of non-Corps affiliated Green Lantern Alan Scott (in pre-reboot continuity), was given a spare power ring by Kyle at one point and served as a GL of Earth. While there have been many awesome women in the Corps (Katma Tui, Laira, Arisia, Iolande, Soranik Natu), none have officially served as Earth’s Green Lantern. In our home sector 2814, we’ve seen five official GLs – Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, and the newly appointed Simon Baz. The Green Lantern Corps is an institution that spans, gender, race, species, as well as the universe, but back here on Earth, there’s been one thing missing – a female Green Lantern. Contents 1 History 2 Powers and Abilities 2.1 Abilities 3 Related 3.1 Footnotes History After Jessica confined herself in her room following her almost murder by a mobster, Sara spent three years trying uselessly to get her sister to come out and beat her agoraphobia.

What began as a literal rebirth in 2003 was wrapped up in a neat bow last week but opened the mythos to a few interesting possibilities, including one relavent to our specific interests here at The Mary Sue. Sara Cruz is Green Lantern Jessica Cruz 's sister. Writer Geoff Johns recently ended his almost ten year journey with DC Comics’ Green Lantern.