
Medieval last names
Medieval last names

medieval last names

In a deep cavern beneath the ocean lies this chilly, damp town. A favorite holiday spot of the dwarf Iron King. Tucked so high into the mountain peaks, wine in the tavern freezes when unattended. Carving towns out of mountainsides, these people build settlements into citadels wherever possible. The dwarven language reflects their hardiness and their grit. When it was abandoned, settlers began to move in and literally rebuild from the ashes. This town is surrounded by thick stone walls, originally laid by a frost giant for a campfire.

medieval last names

This has led to a secondary market of “lost” trade goods. Situated where the drylands meet the great grass plains, merchants often stay overnight before continuing on. They are how the history of a region survives, from the tiniest village to overcrowded cities. In a fantasy world of chivalrous knights, powerful princes, and sprawling kingdoms, names are more than just a word. Renowned for its thick fogs which makes muggers in dark alleys even harder to spot, and has therefore become a hub for rogues and ruffians.īuilt on a small island in the center of a lake, this town has remained uncontacted by visitors for decades, since traveling to it by boat means navigating the lake’s mysterious whirlpools. A name will hint at what a town is like, whether that is a description or a well-kept secret. The best town names paint a picture on their own, conjuring images in the heads of whoever hears them. One thing to remember is that different races will name their towns in their own languages, so try some odd-sounding names to bring an exotic flair to your town. In our real world, town names usually evolve from a description of where the town is built, or what purpose it serves. Picking the right name can also set the scene for the town, adding a bit of atmosphere. A town’s name tells you a lot about the settlement: what race lives there, a little of the town’s history, maybe even what makes the town special.

Medieval last names